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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What if I need to cancel my reservation?
    Can you refund my credit card?

    Yes with conditions

    You may cancel your reservation outright or ask for a refund. If a refund is requested, the greater amount of $15.00 or 15% (of amount of reservation) fee will be charged. We will not refund credit cards directly, we will issue a check. A raincheck can be issued instead of a refund if possible. Rainchecks must be used in the same year as the cancelled reservation.

  • What if it's raining during my pool party?

    Party on.

    If there is no lightning or thunder, the party will go on. If we have to cancel the party due to adverse weather, a refund or rain check will be issued. We do our best to reschedule all parties if possible.

  • Can I change my family reunion's yearly shelter house?


    If you rented a shelter house for your family reunion this year and now want to change the shelter house for next year, you may change if the one you want is available. If the shelter you want was reserved last year by another group, that group will get first chance to reserve it again.